Įvairių tipų paviršiaus nuriebalintojai ir valikliai, tokie kaip silikono nuriebalintojai, pulverizatorių ir įrankių valikliai, stabdžių valikliai ir kiti papildomi valymo produktai
Įvairių tipų glaistai yra tinkami tiek remontuojant automobilį, tiek apdirbant medieną. STONDER glaistų grupę sudaro produktai, išsprendžiantys visus meistrų poreikius, tokie kaip universalus, minkštas, stiklo pluošto, plastiko, lengvas ar kitas jūsų pasirinktas glaistas
STONDER akrilo gruntai tinka įvairių tipų paviršiams, padedantys išlyginti nelygumus ir įbrėžimus. Šie gruntai pasižymi geromis užpildymo ir antikorozinėmis savybėmis. Jie gerai šlifuojasi ir dėl didelio sausų liekanų kiekio, yra atsparūs nusėdimui (tūrio pokyčiai džiovinimo proceso metu). Šie gruntai pasižymi greitu džiūvimo laiku.
Šiai gaminių grupei priklauso ir specialūs gruntai, reikalingi plastiko remontui
STONDER akrilinių ir bazinių dažų sistema yra skirta populiariausiems automobilių modeliams pagal paruoštus spalvų kodus. Specialūs bamperio dažai leis jums lengvai ir patogiai atlikti plastkinių detalių remontus naudojant 1K technologiją
STONDER lakų sistema yra sudarytą iš aukščiausios kokybės produktų, skirtų tiek greitam automobilio remontui, tiek pilnam automobilio dažymui su puikiu blizgesiu. Stonder asortimente yra specifinių lakų, tokių kaip matinis lakas ir aerozolinis lakas, kad būtų galima greitai atlikti ir nedidelius remontus
STONDER aerozolių asortimente yra geriausių Europos gamintojų produktai, reikalingi automobilių priežiūros pramonėje. Platus aerozolių asortimentas apima tokias grupes kaip dažai, gruntai, lakai, antikorozinės priemonės, techniniai purškikliai ir daugelis kitų grupių, susijusių su automobilių priežiūra
Visiems Jūsų paviršiaus apdailos poreikiams skirtas, platus šlifavimo sistemų, šlifavimo popieriaus, abrazyvų su plastiko pagrindu ir abrazyvinių tinklelių asortimentas. Mūsų unikalūs ir novatoriški produktai suteikia geriausius abrazyvinių medžiagų sprendimus pramoninei. Platus abrazyvinių gaminių asortimentas tinka tiek atskiroms operacijoms, tiek ir visoms šlifavimo sistemoms
Įvairaus dydžio bei storio apdengimo popieriai ir plėvelės leidžia pasirinkti reikiamus produktus konkrečiam darbui. Platus lipnių juostų asortimentas apima įvairiems darbo poreikiams reikalingus produktus, tokius kaip popierinės, armuotos, dvipusės, lanksčios ir kitos lipnios juostos
STONDER poliravimo pastos ir padai yra specialiai suderinti siekiant aukščiausios kokybės rezultatų. Šiuos produktus lengva naudoti tiek pradedantiesiems, tiek profesionaliems meistrams
Įvairių tipų automobilių kėbulų apsauginės dangos yra skirtos apsaugoti automobilio kėbulą nuo korozijos. Šiai grupei priskiriami tokie produktai kaip slenksčių apsauga nuo akmenų, bituminė mastika, poliuretano sandarikliai siūlėms, vidaus apsauga ir įvairūs techniniai produktus automobilių priežiūrai
Čia rasite visą reikalingą įrangą ir priedus, kad galėtumėte atlikti aukštos kokybės automobilių dažymo darbus
Įvairūs serviso priedai, kurie padeda greitai ir kokybiškai atlikti automobilio kėbulo remontą
Asmeninės apsaugos priemonės (AAP) yra apsauginiai drabužiai, šalmai, akiniai ar kiti drabužiai bei įranga, skirta apsaugoti darbuotoją nuo sužeidimų ar infekcijų
Įvairių tipų ir dydžių dažymo kamerų filtrai, taip pat specialūs skysčiai dažymo kamerų sienų apsaugai ir apsaugai nuo dulkių
Around the world, 3M inspires innovation and drives progress, while promoting truly global sustainability through environmental protection, corporate and social responsibility and economic progress. We use science and innovation to make a real impact on everyone's lives around the world.
Universal synthetic solvent-based lacquer for painting surfaces made of metal, wood, ceramics, glass, wicker, cardboard, fabrics, fresh and artificial flowers, and some plastics. Wide range of application hobby and professional works: at home, garden, automotive and industry. Especially practical for works of art and decoration.
BRUNOX AG, Switzerland manufacture lubricants with exceptional performance for bikes, guns, industrial and food-stuff plant equipment maintenance. Our products reduce maintenance cost and power consumption whilst promoting component reliability and factory output. BRUNOX lubricants reduce friction and wear much better than conventional lubricants, in particular, in adverse conditions of extreme loads, high and low temperatures, strong contamination and in high water wash areas.
P.M.T. srl produces and distributes high quality applicators and guns. The big range includes guns for polyurethane foam, applicators for the extrusion of silicone, sealants and chemical anchors, one component and two components materials, for low and high viscosity products.
FERTAN products are proven for optimum rust and corrosion removal from steel, for metal derusting e.g. of tank inner surfaces, for derusting small metal parts, for cleaning engines and car bodies, special cleaners and products for car care, motorcycle care and bicycle.
RUPES (full Realizzazione Utensili Pneumatici Elettrici Speciali S.P.A.) is an Italian company that has since its inception in 1947, specializes in the manufacture and supply of professional electric and pneumatic tools including abrasive systems, cleaning systems and dust extraction systems for car repairers and profession painter.
AUARITA is the China «national high-tech enterprise»,which represents AUARITA’s technology leadership position in the Chinese manufacturing industry. AUARITA build cooperation with Chinese famous university and set up a
SCANGRIP (Denmark) is the Europe’s leading manufacturer of innovative LED work lights for professionals.
With the aim of setting new standards for professional work lights, SCANGRIP provides the strongest range of LED work lights that are extremely powerful, functional, user-friendly and designed to fit the rough and demanding working environments.
In 2000, Paul Holder, President & Founder of Q-Bond, launched the Q-Bond line of adhesive products with the sole purpose to create a Quick-Bonding adhesive that’s versatile. Currently Q-Bond is used in the Automotive industry, Refinishing and Hardware.
Q-Bond is an easy-to-use and extremely durable adhesive system with a very wide range of applications.
HyMax Automotive Refinishing, a division of General Paint Company, one of the fastest growing producers of car paints and ancillaries for the refinish industry.
Our success during this past decade is largely dependent on the top quality, ease of application and time-savings gained through the use of our products.
INDASA aims to develop innovative and market-specific solutions to improve efficiency, productivity and quality for many industries.
Cartec develops cleaning-, protecting- and polishing products for cars and other vehicles for more than 35 years. Driven by a passion for innovation, the pursuit for the highest quality and personal service.
Vaber Industry offers a full range of solutions based on market needs. Vaber Industry wants to be a competitive and professional partner that can respond positively to the growing demand for increasingly specialized products with high quality and reliability.
Baslac® offers a comprehensive state-of-the-art solution to perform all car repairs quickly and with the best results. As part of the world's leading manufacturer, Baslac® provides reliable color competence, excellent product quality and modern e-customer service.
Sika is a specialty chemicals company with a leading position in the development and production of systems and products for connection, sealing, damping, reinforcement and protection in the construction industry and the motor vehicle industry.
KOVAX has been a leading Japanese manufacturer of abrasives since the 1930s.
Strict quality control and well-organized production equipment and advanced technical knowledge ensure the highest quality and innovative abrasive products for automobiles, woodworking and many other industrial applications.
Producing great paints and coatings is Dynacoat's passion. This professional approach to finishing is central to the development of this well-established and respected brand. Dynacoat's advanced, easy-to-use products and paint systems benefit from global technical, digital paint and product leadership.
Producing great paints and coatings is Dynacoat's passion. This professional approach to finishing is central to the development of this well-established and respected brand. Dynacoat's advanced, easy-to-use products and paint systems benefit from global technical, digital paint and product leadership.
Founded in May 1926, Iwata has grown into a global company offering air and coating services supporting industries around the world. Iwata aims to develop new technologies by collaborating with companies in other industries.
For over 40 years, NOVOL has been researching, testing and developing products for your everyday coating jobs. They are designed to meet the needs of customers and provide the desired finish quality with hassle-free application and optimized processing time. NOVOL offers transparent paints, base layers, fillers.
Spectral technology provides state-of-the-art treatment solutions for the best finish and processing quality at all stages of the paint repair process: from anti-corrosion protection to filling, priming, color matching, clear coat application and the introduction of special additives.
SATA spray guns guarantee perfect finishes through their excellent precision and highest quality. Choose the most suitable technology according to your personal needs - SATA spray guns are available with RP as well as with HVLP technology.
NORTON offers the widest portfolio of grinding, cutting, blending, finishing and polishing solutions for all markets, materials and applications with the most advanced and affordable technology. So, as your needs evolve, our access to the global expertise of Saint-Gobain becomes even more valuable to making a difference in your day-to-day needs.
When it comes to repair or restoration the retro, classic or supercar the highest level of attention to details and professionalism is required. Searching for a right garage or paint shop can be demanding. It is not only important to find highly-qualified companies but also making sure that they use top-end materials to make your vehicle as outstanding as it deserves to be!
Created in 1964, GYS is a family-owned company with over 900 employees around the world. Built around continuous investment in research and development and the acquisition of knowledge, the company is now a major player in the design and manufacture of welding machines, battery chargers and car body repair equipment.
First-class paint materials;
Comprehensive solutions for efficient refinishing;
Reliable color matching;
Development of your bodyshop's untapped potential.
Combining these factors for success has made Glasurit the leading brand in the passenger car and commercial vehicle refinishing sector.
The Glasurit brand can already look back on one hundred years of paint history. The name Glasurit stands for the highest quality standards, first-class paint products and innovative research results. As a worldwide leading expert in the field of refinishing, Glasurit offers its customers suitable solutions when it comes to making painting easier, more reliable and more economical.